This is Gav making his first ever blog entry all on his own, and for good reason too. In the last post my character underwent a vicious slur and i would like to clean that little matter up before i go any further. As you have all been informed, I was the victim of an unprovoked attack by a beetle like creature which was roughly the size of a small dog. However, what proceeded this incident was wrongly reported. Using my famous ninja like reflexes i let out a mighty roar to ward off the beast and to alert the rest of my fellow gardeners (who are not trained ninja's like myself) to the potential danger. As we are at the other side of the world i forgot that my mighty roar would come out like a screech, but thankfully it worked anyway.
I can only put down the mocking actions of my wife and friends down to post traumatic stress that they incurred during this potentially fatal incident. However i knew that my time would soon come to restore respect within the baulkham hills camp and even further afield.
Not even half an hour ago did this very time arise and i can report that my house mates are looking at me in a new found respect. I had just come into the house from the garden and i heard Jess call out from the bedroom something like
"Help, help, I'm a poor weak woman i need the help of a quick thinking ninja"
Well, immediately i ran to the room in a cross between Steve Irwin, David Hasslehoff and Batman. On arrival i was met by one of the most deadliest spiders in the world - the funnel web spider (before what happened next i had time to take a picture)
On sizing up my new nemsis i grabbed my terminating weapon (designed by ancient ninja warriors) and without any thought for my own safety threw myself at the intruder. By this time my housemates were shaking in the corner (I heard one even between their snotty whimpers cry that no one could possibly save us now) however i was in warrior mode and in the blink of an eye i unleashed a deadly blow to my eight-legged enemy.
I then turned to my shaking housemates and told them to open their eyes, i had taken care of the monster that dared to enter my home that they shared with me. I was greeted with huge applause and even promises that they would all name their first born after me. However, being the type of guy that i am i just whispered in a humble but strong superhero type way "hush, it was nothing, that's what i have been called to do"
Then I walked out the room and dragged the beast behind me and disposed of its limp frame in the back garden.
That's about all i want to mention about this incident, frankly i would like to hear no more of this hero talk. I am just glad that there was at least one person present there tonight with nerves of steel and that no one was injured. The fact that my character has been restored through this incident is meerly just a bi-product. Anyway i must go on now as i need my bed, but one other note of interest is that we bought a car today for eighty pounds! Bargain! Will post some pictures of the chariot when we take some.
Will post soon!
Although your tale is certainly impressive, the photographs simply didn't back it up!
There were bigger midges in Skye last year!
Nevermind, if it makes you feel special and manly, I'll just have to let it go!
Love Vic xx
If your housemates were cowering in the corner with fear then who took the photos of you dealing with the beastie?
As far as I know, dealing with small insects and arachnids is an integral part of ninja training, considered more important than hand to hand combat and the ability to wear black.
Jess, don't leave Gav to write the bog on his own again please! You 2 are settling in well.
Fab photos - look fwd to your next update.
Love Graeme and Jude x
I think Gav's comments have been thrilling and very imfomative. I look forward to his next post.
I think Gav can't spell. I'm pretty sure he meant to say 'informative'. Best leave the blog to Jess, Mate ;)
Fearless house-mate: Lin
To Spiderman: How heroic! We hope you can put all this into your next movie. We will look out for Spiderman 4.
To Jess: that husband of yours has got a vivid imagination!Beast the size of a dog..... whatever next?
To both of you; hope this works, never done it before!
Lotsaluv, Mum and Dad
Hurrah for Gav, the super ninja! I, too, am famous for my fearlessness before those arachnids. Keep up the good work.
Hey sweeties
"He's Gavin SuperHero, Gavin SuperHero, the only one who can save the day"!! hehehe keep serving the world bud!
Nichola xxx
Ah! Well done my young apprentice, soon you will be ready to join me for the ultimate task.....taking over the world!! Mwa Haa Haa!
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